Virtual Retreat for Simply Music Teachers

July 18 - 19, 2024 // Noon - 6:30pm Pacific each day

  • Attend one or both days

  • Online event - no travel expenses!

  • Learn from the most experienced Simply Music Teachers

  • Connect with other Simply Music teachers

  • Special Offers

  • Replays of sessions provided to all who register

Your Hosts

Laurie and Robin are Master Simply Music Teachers and Master Coaches. They both began teaching Simply Music in 2003 and are still active as teachers.

They bring decades of experience in teaching Simply Music, owning and operating businesses, coaching teachers, and managing relationships. Robin and Laurie also continually strive to grow personally and professionally through transformative education.


Special Guest

Neil Moore Neil is the Founder & Creator of Simply Music. His musical knowledge, visionary outlook, relentless personal and professional pursuits, deep understanding of human behavior, wisdom and humor always inspire! There's nothing else quite like hanging out with and learning from this amazing human!


Your Investment

Earlybird Registration through Feb 29, 2024

$165US   Attend one day, your choice

$275US  Attend both days

Regular Registration beginning March 1, 2024

$200US   Attend one day, your choice

$325US  Attend both days

Everyone who registers will receive lifetime access to the recorded replays of all sessions!

For teachers outside the US with a higher exchange rate, we offer 20% off
Use coupon code INTL20

Please do not enter this code if you are in the USA

DAY 1 AGENDA: July 18 (Levels 1 - 6)

Noon - 6:30pm Pacific

Tentative Topics Planned 
(May change based on input from early registrants)

  • Strengthening Self-Generative Muscle (Part 1)
  • Inflation-Proofing Your Studio
  • Enhancing Your Creative Capabilities
  • Managing the Curriculum - Streams
  • Reading Rhythm Hands-On Workshop
  • Teaching Accompaniment 1
  • Studio Policies Workshop
  • Getting the Most from The Extensions Program
  • Core Conversation Hot Seat 
  • Growing Your Studio


DAY 2 AGENDA: July 19 (Levels 7+)

Noon - 6:30pm Pacific

Tentative Topics Planned 
(May change based on input from early registrants)

  • Strengthening Self-Generative Muscle (Part 2)
  • Improvisation: 5 Projects You Can Implement Next Week
  • Jazz Clues
  • Scale & Key Hand-On Workshop
  • Teaching Boogie Woogie
  • Becoming a Requirement-Based Studio
  • Simplifying Complex Rhythms
  • Getting the Most from The Extensions Program in Upper Levels
  • The New Development Program
  • Q&A Panel with Neil, Laurie & Robin